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Active-Reel is a seamless interactive Showreel in the final stages of development.
It helps professionals in the entertainment industry in 2 very specific ways:
1. Casting Directors / Directors / Agents
Helps speed up the casting process by enabling the user to skip or repeat scenes at their discretion as well as allowing a targeted search specifically aimed toward a genre, period or style.
2. Actors
Allows ALL  a performers work to be displayed without having to throw away content in order to fit within an arbitrary time frame of 3 - 4 minutes.
The following is a prototype of Active-reel   please feel free to explore but Kindly do not post on social media.
With kind permission from Olivia Poulet.
Active-Reel has the following features:
  • Full HD 1080p Video
  • The ability to connect multiple reels (Comedy / Drama / Dance / Musical Theatre)
  • Seamless 'Scene to Scene' technology (No waiting for a clip to load)
  • Complete scene selection (Jump from first to last scene instantly)
  • Instant contact information: Available at any time (No more waiting for the end of the reel)
  • Email an actor / agent directly to book an audition whilst still in Active-Reel
  • Downloadable Content: eg. Spotlight C.V. / Active-Reel as an MP4 to view when offline 
  • Shareable functionality through Email and Social Media (Gmail, Facebook, Twitter etc)
  • Password Protection
  • Embedding on individual websites as well as a hyperlink
  • Custom add on features for the individual performer creative
Thanks for watching!
If you're seeing this page, it's because I'm very keen to hear your thoughts on Active-Reel.
What you think of the features / functionality / design and what else you'd consider useful to have.
Please do get in touch:
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